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  • Jun 11 Wed 2014 00:39
  • 0611

I am so excited about the English camp this summer vacation!

Although I am not  good enough at English, I can learn it from the other teachers.

I just need to take good care of those children and be the helper of teachers.

I can't wait to go!

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The weather is changeable recently.

I have been ill since Sunday.

I miss sunshine.

I think I don’t really like rainy day.

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Yesterday I went to a cafe with my friend from Macau.

There are five alpacas in the cafe. They are so cute!!

They don't afraid of people and like eating carrots.

Maybe you can go to there next time. It's interesting!  

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tony_yony_twins_kpop_ellen_degeneres_billboardLast week, Taiwanese twins Zony and Yony appeared on The Ellen Show second times. 

During the show, Ellen tried to brush up her Mandarin and introduced herself in Mandarin, but Zony and Yony didn't get it.

They made me laugh!

At the end, Ellen gave them a lot of Hello Kitty gifts. That is so warm!  

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thThe Big Bang Theory first season premiered on 2007.

I just start to watch this series last month. 

The show is primarily centered on five characters.  Four high IQ greeks and a pretty girl lives across from them.

Although their scientific theory is too hard for me to understand, the show is so funny and I like it.

I think it's ok because the girl Penny dosen't understand too.

This is really a teriffic show that you can relax yourself!

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Two days ago.pulling-teeth I thought I have tooth decay. I can felt the pain caused by toothache.

So I came to the dentist.  The dentist checked up my cavity, and he said the tooth should be pulled out.

He gave me a local anesthetic and pulled out my tooth.

I didnt felt any pain. But one hour later, my gum was bleeding and painful.

I thought I should do my best to keep my teeth healthy.

And the implant is too expensive!!!


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My church booked a whole theater to see this movie.

It is edited from The Bible which is an American popular historical series last year. 

The actor who played  Jesus was effective in showing Jesus.

I can feel the kindness and love in his eyes.

The movie made a lot of people cry, it is so touched.

Hope you can enjoyed it too!

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After the mid-term exam I went to see Spider-Man 2.  

It is really exciting, but I think the bad one called Electro is a very poor guy.

He is not really bad. He was almost killed by some bad people, and he felt mad and disappointment to people and spiderman.

Although the plot is too fast, but actually the movie is good.

I like the new Spider man, he is more humorous.

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Yesterday I went to a brilliant speech which was made from a 16 years old girl.

She is the same in the look with other teenagers, but she is full of passion and confidence.

The girl is not only helping peope who is in need but also keeping a dream for herself.

Like making a fundraising music concert.

When we looked at the news on the media, somewhere the cornor in the world there are some people are in the suffering. 

We always felt sorry but seldom did something that is truly for a help.

The girl's speech is touching me. If I think I am too small to do something and nothing is gonna have a big change, I was wrong. 

When she was 14, she saw a video about East Africa. So many children and people died in hunger.

She started to raise money for those people, it reachs a total of 500,000 NT dollars now.

She is just differnet in being active and move.

Maybe we all have a chance to give hope to the world, no matter who we are, no matter what is our age.

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Every courses handed out the midterm papers.

I think I can do better.

Even though I am afraid that I will screw it up first, now all the things are better.

I found out I feel enthusiasm for English. This is good.

But I still have a lot to do.

Hope I can have more progress.

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picnic fashion blogger 12  

Today I came to a big park with my cell group.

We had a potluck picnic in the Dahu park.

We prepared sandwiches, fried chickens, an apple pie, cheese cake cookies, potato chips, strawberrys and grapes.

The weather today was gentle breeze. We all enjoyed this afternoon.

We played some games and chated with each other.

Our two dogs ran around us. It is really a great day!

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Yesterday was my birthday, but I had to prepare the mid-term exam.

  I was so glad. My partners in part time job, they prepared a sweet card with my favorite cartoon "Little Twin Star" and  same picture in a very cute bowl.

My boyfriend gave me an english Bible as present, even though my english  is not good enough to read, but I like it and I will try it.

And my sisters of church prepared a cheese cake for my birthday and sang a birthday song to me.

I was so luck that many people love me , and I love them too. 


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Last weekend I went to see Noah. 

Noah is a biblical-inspired film directed by Darren Aronofsky, and is based on the Bible story of Noah's Ark.

Although many people think the movie has so much different from the Scripture, but I think the part which talks about humanity seriously is good.

When world became wicked, am I innocent?

Even Noah who is chosen by world's creator is not really perfect. Some pot of the movie is telling us what to think.

No matter what, Noah is just starting to get attention.


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Time flies!!!

I have 10 days vacation from Tomb Sweeping Day.

But I still have two days now.

Monday is coming! The happy time is over!

I can not just watch the soap opera all day and wake up in the afternoon.

It was all sunny days in the vacation.

It is best to go travel or back to my hometown, Tainan.

But my foot is not ready to walk.

My broken foot is still not healed.

Hope my broken foot is getting better and better.

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This weekend I went to a Korean restaurant with friends.

We were going to taste the flavor of the most popular food from Korean soap opera.

The fried chicken which is crispy and fried with spicy sauce.

Trust me you won't forget the flavor.

It is really delicious. We all like it with beers. Also it is good with rice.

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I transferred to Aletheia University this semester. 

I was nervous because I had to adapt a new environment.

And I am worry about my broken foot.

Hope I would make new friends and everything will be better.

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